Same Roots with Sweden and Turkey

lie in history Mu Continent Trojan wars Troy ancestor of Sweden do Swedish people have Turkish ancestor Scandinavia İskandinavya same roots viking god Odin Sven Lagerbring Bref till Cancellie Rådet och Riddaren herr Joh. Ihre om Svenska och Turkiska Sprakens likhet 1764 lund university our anchestors are Turks who are comrades of Oden. We have got enough evidence on this subject. There are people who want to fool you into thinking they are Goths, or Tyrks. I don't care whether it will be dcirediting for me or not. Oden and his comrades were Turks. Viking God. Bjôrn animation movie Futhark alphabet Runic Greek UK Det Svenska Ordförrådets alder urnordiska Scandinavian language Gösta Bergman Etruscan Ibn Batuta Ural Altaic language Finland Goths Tyrks leðurblökumaðurinn
How weird is that two countries, Sweden and Turkey, which are two far in distance to each other have such common words in their languages. Futhark alphabet (predecessor of Runic Alphabet) is known to have the same origin with the ancient Turkish (the current Turkish has been intermixed with Persian language a lot in the recent history). If you want to compare the ancient Turkish with the Futhark language you can check the Gokturk Alphabet

Odin, the Viking God, was brought to light as the "Turkish Ancestor of Swedish People" by Prof. Sven Lagerbring in his book (you can reach this book from Royal Swedish Library: Bref till Cancellie Rådet och Riddaren, Herr Joh. Ihre om Svenska och Turkiska Språkens likhet, 1764, Lund University). Here what he concluded, given with his words: "Our ancestors are Turks who are comrades of Oden. We have got enough evidence on this subject. There are people who want to fool you into thinking they are Goths. I don't care whether it will be discrediting for me or not. Oden and his comrades were Turks."

Let's check the common words in Swedish and Turkish, also given in English (the success of UK, the successor of Greek, that both brother countries do not know their history, shame of Sweden and Turkey). 

English Turkish Swedish
Ancestor Ata Ätt
Wolf Böri Varg
Bosom Bağır Bog
Indepted Borçlu Borgen
Horoscope Burç Burg
Lake Göl Göl
Bury Göm Göm
Shelter Siper Spär
Situation Hal Hälsa
(means Khan)
Hakan Håkan
Turkish Ruler Kaan Konung (kung)
Hello Hey Hej
Bye Hayda Hejdå
Container Kap Kop
Cat Kedi Katt
Pantry Kiler Källare
Village Köy Koja
Oil-lamp Kandil Kyndil
Sense Mana Mena
Fame Nam Namn
Cheery Şen Shön
Water Su Sjö
Hill Tepe Top
Father Peder Fader
Goose Kaz Gås
Tower Kule Külle
Ball Gülle Kula
Soldierliness Erlik Ärlig

Source: Herr Joh. Ihre om Svenska och Turkiska Språkens likhet

Further Reading:



Anonymous said…
Thanks for the interesting post.

I would have two suggestions to improve to content.
1. Turkey and Sweden are not too far away. A flight between Istanbul and Stockholm takes only 3h15m. A road trip from Stockholm to Madrid takes 32 hours and a trip from Stockholm to Istanbul takes 37 hours.
2. There are loanwords from Persian in Turkish, yes. However, they constitute slightly more than 1% of Turkish vocabulary. As a comparison, slightly more than 5% of Turkish vocabulary comes from French. So, Persian influence is only as much as the quarter of French influence. Not a heavy one I would say...


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