Armenian Genocide, a Big Lie
Attacks of Armenians, which should have been called as 'massacre of Turkish civilians', are entitled as 'genocide' which is an obvious lie, as formulated to befool the world with the aim to fine a pretext to invade the lands belonging to, formerly, the Ottoman Empire and now the Turkish Republic.. The Armenians were located in Anatolia with the authorization of the Ottoman Empire at the 15th century. This authorization cost a lot for Turkey: Mass-Graves with dead bodies of Turkish Civilians (Click!)
Most of the historians call attention to the point that the facts of the history straggled behind what the reality is due to the politicians, and rancor of the Armenian Diaspora who has been focusing on one aim, acquiring the lands of current Turkish Republic.
Discovering the unknown must not be one sided! Don't decide "what the truth is" without listening both sides! If you don't listen, don't believe in any thing! Just only the blue book (The Treatments of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire / 1915 - 1916, written by James Bryce and Arnold Toynbee) can not be called as the truth. There have been some studies pointing the lies of the Armenian Diaspora. I published some of these publications indicating the creditable evidences not the political lies with the historical facts which have not been brought to light but published by righteous historians.
Top Six Facts about Armenian Genocide, but so-called with lots of lies
1) Recently, Bruce Fein made a publication showing the number of deaths regarding Armenians (real number around 300 - 750 thousands) and also the Turkish civilians in Anatolia with almost 2.4 million Turkish citizens. This also proofs the real fact about the mass graves, mostly found with the dead bodies of Turkish citizens significantly more than Armenians have. Source: Bruce Fein, 2009, Lies, Damn Lies, and death of Armenians (Click to Reach the his news article). For more details in this topic: Armenian Genocide with Numbers (click!)
2) One creditable book is also highlighting the truths, which has been published by a Scottish Historian Sam Weems in his publication, which is available online at: Sam Weems, 2002, Armenia: Secrets of a "Christian" Terrorist State - The Armenian Great Deception Series - Vol 1 (Shortened Version), St. John Press, Dallas, TX
3) Another fact can be directed to the documentary film shown at a TV program with Timsal Karabekir who is the daughter of the Turkish General of Ottoman Empire then, Musa Kâzım Karabekir. The General witnessed to the persecutions of the Armenians and in this TV program Mrs. Karabekir shares the memories of her father regarding the massacre performed by the Armenian Rebels (not Armenians that were normal civilians) applied to the Turkish civilians. Here is the video (with English subtitles):
4) There are some websites that have been showing the detailed information about the Turkish Genocide made by Armenians with the reasons behind why Armenians provoke a so-called Armenian Genocide (as being lied, from Ottoman Empire), and with the supporters of this so-called Armenian Genocide with the reasons.
Here is the website (in English, in Deutsch and in French):
The Fact Behind So-Called Armenian Genocide (Click!)
Another website (available in English):
Armenian Genocide Facts
5) The hate of Armenians to Turkish nation can be seen also in the recent history. The Armenian Diaspora has still been carrying out the massacres which came true in Karabakh Genocide applied to the Azerbaijan Turks in 1992 and also with the Armenian terrorist activities directed to the Turkish people living in USA and to American people that were studying Turkish history, the details given in Armenian Terrorist Activities in USA. The atrocity they performed during their massacre on Turkish people can be seen from: Armenian Roulette (Click!)
6) Another point, but not historical enlightening can be directed to the fake illustrations that the Armenians have used so far while pointing that "There was an Armenian genocide". The misleading of the history by the Armenians yielded to success by the illustrative pictures that were directly taken from the Holocaust of Nazi during World War I. These fake illustrations have been used in their websites, protests etc, details being given in the blog page Fake Illustrations being Used in Armenian Genocide Allegations and that is why most of the world are in the belief of an Armenian Genocide but a so-called.
The Armenians are liars and the world should stop donating them.