"When Trojans had come to Europe, they separated into two ways. One of them was Francions, the predecessors of Franks and the other one was Turcoths, the predecessors of Turks. Franks had gone to Rhône area while others had stayed in Tisza area. The others did choose a king for themselves and named him as 'Turcoth', which later formed the name, the “Turks”, recent forms of nation known as recent Turkish countries..” Frédégaire - French "After Troy has fallen, Trojan armies were separated by two groups. One group had followed King Priamos's grandchild Francon from Hector, other group had followed King Priamos's grandchild Turkus from Troilus. Therefore there are two nations, originated from Trojans, their names have been known as "Franks" and "Turks" by the world currently." Vincent de Beauvais, writer of Speculum Maius (known with the encyclopedia of the Middle Age) "Turks' homelands are behind of th...
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